Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey

Turkey's Belly Dancers

Turkey's Dervishers

Seems like the Europeans find Turkey’s healthcare facilities attractive.

Research group RNCOS says in its new report, Emerging Medical Tourism in Turkey, that despite the sluggish world economy, the industry witnessed impressive growth of around 40 percent in 2008 over the same period in 2007. Last year, the country received around 200,000 foreign medical tourists

The study provides an in-depth analysis of the present and future prospects of the country in the medical travel arena, delving into the operations of key players such as The World Eye Hospital, Memorial Hospital, Anadolu Medical Center and Sanatolia Care.

Growth has been fuelled by a cost advantage. In Turkey, fees for treatments range from one-half to as little as one-fifth the price in Europe and other developed countries. Its strategic location between Asia and Europe makes it accessible to travellers, and the capital Istanbul boasts good air connectivity.

Turkey has proven especially attractive to European medical visitors, who are avid patrons of its spas. To promote these further, the tourism ministry has listed 17 registered thermal spa resorts with mud bath facilities, but there are an estimated thousand more unregistered.

Istanbul Memorial Hospital was the first hospitals in the country to receive JCI accreditation.

1 comment:

Medical tourism Turkey said...

Turkey hip resurfacing clinics private healthcare institutions are conducting strict implementation of quality, technical and medical standards. These factors are constantly monitored by independent watchdogs set by the Ministry of Health. The MOH, together with an Independent Turkish Medical Associations sets the local standards and guidelines that are followed by hospitals, healthcare facilities and medical practitioners.