Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sex Change Surgery

Male to Female Surgery

Female to Male Surgery

Let's face it...transsexualism exists and that treating transsexual patients can be regarded as a justifiable medical activity. In 1997, the medical guidelines for transgender persons were issued by the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology, with some modifications of the Standards of Care of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association.

Before a sex change operation or sex reassignment surgery (SRS) is carried out, a medical team composed of psychiatrists, a sexologist, endocrinologists, gynecologists, urologists, and plastic surgeons must first be assembled and a unanymous decision is reached.

Diagnosis, preparatory psychotherapy, and hormonal therapy were carried out according to the above-mentioned guidelines.

Meanwhile in Bangkok, the world's sex capital, Thailand’s recent ban on sex-change operations for boys under 16 years has, once again, brought the whole Thai sex scene into prominence. Hospitals and clinics are now barred from castrating would be “ladyboys” - “katoeys” to give them their Thai name. It was feared that the operation was being seen as a cheap and quick alternative to a full sex-change.

In letters to private health units doctors have been told that such operations performed outside formal sex-change therapy, would result in up to six months in jail. Policing this ban may be difficult as cosmetic removal of the testicles takes no longer than 15-20 minutes surgery, and is easy to conduct in secret. At the lower end of the market, Internet advertisements offer castration at clinics for as little as 4,000 baht ($125, £62.50).

The procedure, technique and result for Male to Female change:

1.“Penile inversion technique”vaginoplasty (not recommended for body weight of more than 200 lbs. and those seeking more vaginal depth)

Surgeon uses the "Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty" technique which turns the penile skin "inside out" and uses it to line a vaginal cavity. The penis and testes are removed. A pure penile inversion limits the size of the vagina that can be created depends on the amount of penile skin available,also the vaginal depth is to depend on penile skin on the resting state not from your erectile state.This technique is called SRS with penile inversion vaginoplasty. You should know the depth has been gained from your penile skin but not from your whole shaft of penis in resting stage not from your erectile stage. This technique offers fast recovery and better healing.

2."Scrotal Graft Technique" Vaginoplasty
Some patient's penile tissue limit because the length of penis or the Peno - scrotal junction stays in high position, which will limit the vaginal lining or meaning that vaginal depth is limited.The surgeon will use "Scrotal Graft Technique" combination with penile skin to form the vaginal lining to create the new vaginal depth or new vagina, which is a better technique compared to the penile inversion technique.You will get the depth of your new vagina between 5-7 inches owning to your body structure. This is better choice for those with limited penile skin but with more scrotal sac tissue to use.

Most surgeons currently prefer Scrotal skin graft much more than penile inversion and colon graft.

3."Sigmoid Colon-Vaginoplasty Technique" Vaginoplasty( it is not for those weighing over 200 lbs or with larger abdomen.)

You will have two choices to do this surgery: delayed or immediate “ Sigmoid Colon-Vaginoplasty Technique”.

Check the above pictures.

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