Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What about Costa Rica Medicine?

San Jose fat lady statue

Downtown San Jose, Costa Rica

In the past, agricultural exports, like bananas, have been the staple of the Costa Rican economy. However, tourism has always played an ever increasing role, and now it has become the dominant economic force. Ecotourism travel is the most preferred for expansion because it will provide a sustainable resource for tourism for generations of Costa Ricans to come.

But with traditional tourism hit hard by the global recession, Costa Rica is seeking to draw foreign visitors by offering reasonably priced, high-quality healthcare. A combination of proximity to the US, excellent air connections, political and social stability and low crime stats make it an attractive proposition. San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, is home to an entire third of Costa Rica's population. Like other Central America capital cities, San Jose is dirty and chaotic in some parts, but is remarkably cosmopolitan in others.

A 2008 study by Deloitte identified Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico, boasting professional costs ranging from 25 to 50 percent of the US average, as countries in Latin America with the greatest potential for inbound medical tourism. Other contenders were Argentina, Colombia, Brazil and Chile whose dental and cosmetic treatments are about 20 percent off prices in the US.

Officials regularly quote the figure of 100,000 medical visitors to the country, but this may only be an estimate – 20,000 a year is a much more realistic sum.

To stimulate demand overseas, the government is enlisting the help of its tourism, health and trade ministries and planning a big publicity campaign.

The Association for the Promotion of Costa Rican Medicine (PROMED) has also been established, consisting of six health consortiums, three private hospitals and several local universities and hotels. But how about the weather?

The high season in Costa Rica, December through April, is the dry season. The rainy season, which lasts from May to November, usually sees sunny mornings, with rain showers in late afternoon and evening. Secondary roads can become rutted during those months, and four-wheeldrive vehicles are strongly recommended. Overall, the climate is tropical, with an average temperature of 72°F (22°C). It can be much hotter along the coastal areas of the country, and much cooler in the mountains.

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