Monday, May 31, 2010

GLOBAL: What medical tourists are going abroad for has unveiled some interesting figures on the treatments UK, Irish, US and Canadian medical tourists consider going abroad for. The data is based on enquiries for treatment not actual travel and only covers people who have used their website. Although statistically flawed, it does provide some insight into consumer intent in April 2010 and over the last 12 months.

UK patients seeking dental treatment abroad;

Patients from the UK heading abroad for their dental work are still interested primarily in the top end treatments such as veneers and dental implants, but the number one treatment enquired about in April was teeth whitening, traditionally one of the cheaper cosmetic dental treatments.

UK patients seeking treatment abroad;

Looking at what treatment areas British people are looking for when travelling abroad, the top four are dentistry, cosmetic surgery, bariatric surgery and fertility.

Irish patients seeking dental treatment in Northern Ireland;

Northern Ireland remains a very popular alternative for dental treatment for Irish patients, accounting for 26% of all Irish dental enquiries in April. Expensive treatments dominate the enquiries, with braces, teeth whitening and dental crowns leading the way.

Irish patients seeking dental treatment abroad;

The favourite treatments are veneers, teeth whitening, dental implants and braces.

Irish patients seeking treatment abroad;
Irish patients looking for treatment abroad are increasingly interested in cosmetic surgery, as well as fertility and bariatric surgery. Dentistry remains the most popular area.

USA and Canada patients seeking treatment abroad;

US and Canadian patients are mainly looking for dental treatment, although this may be due to the specialties of the site rather than a general trend. Other popular areas are cosmetic surgery, fertility and urology. Mexico remains by far the most popular destination, followed by (surprise...)the Philippines and Costa Rica.

1 comment:

G. White said...

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