Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hair Transplant, Sir?

There are many reasons for hair loss but 95% of all cases in men are due to a condition called "androgenetic alopecia." This is commonly referred to as "male pattern baldness."

Most cases of hair loss in women are due to inherited female pattern balding, but medical conditions such as low thyroid levels, hormonal imbalances (elevated testosterone), binge dieting, and pregnancy can contribute to the condition. Women tend to experience a subtle thinning all over the scalp and loss of volume at the top.

You may loose 10 to 200 strands of hair per day. But this hair is not dead as all the hair that falls gets replaced with new growing hair. The hair goes through a generation, growth and fall cycle which continues again with generation of new hair. You do not become bald because you are loosing more hair, you will become bald when the lost hair is not replaced with new hair.


Hair transplantation involves transferring hairs from the back and side of the head (the "donor area") to those areas undergoing hair loss or thinning. The hairs from the donor area are genetically programmed to be permanent. Once transplanted, these hairs will continue to grow for a lifetime, they can be groomed, shampooed and require haircuts like normal hair.

The only permanent remedy for hair loss is surgical hair restoration, or hair transplantation.

Most men in good general health are candidates for hair transplantation. if:

* You've lost hair due to an inherited trait
* You've lost hair due to trauma or burns
* You have healthy hair growth at the back and side of your head


You should arrange to have a private consultation with us. During your consultation, to develop a plan for your hair restoration ,we will determine:

* Grade of hair loss (Grade I - VII)
* Density of donor hair
* Color of hair
* Texture of hair
* Future hair loss projections
* Scalp laxity
* Number of grafts required to meet your expectations.

We recommend the pre-treatment/pre-conditioning of hair with our medicinal treatment protocol which stops hair fall, induces new hair growth and strengthens the hair roots in the recipient area prior to the transplant.
This protocol of medication uses medicines once in 3 days, reduces cost of medication and guarantees no side effects. It stops hair loss in 2 months, and thinning of hair in men and women will get corrected by 60 – 70% with cyclical medicines within 4 months. Moreover, pre conditioning the hair roots ensures a predictable and guaranteed result following the hair transplant.

Who needs a hair transplant?
Anybody below age of 23 years or not having hair loss beyond Grade III is not considered for hair transplant surgery. Patients with grade 3 hair loss respond with medicines alone; unless the patient desires to change the hairline or bring forward the temporal receding on either sides. Patients with grade 4 hair loss and more require medicines and surgery to achieve a desirable result. (HT packages)


Hair transplant is done as a day care procedure, and you will be discharged on the same day.


It, is performed using local anaesthesia along with sedation (if required) to make you relaxed and comfortable.


Today, the state of the art procedure is Follicular Unit Grafting. A follicular unit is the naturally occurring grouping of hairs containing from 1 - 3, occasionally 4 hairs. As many as 2500 grafts can be transplanted in a single procedure lasting 6 - 10 hours.

The grafts can be inserted into tiny needle- sized sites in the recipient area. A combination of these different sized grafts is used in the hair restoration, with the one-hair grafts in an irregular pattern along the hairline, and the two-, three- and four-hair grafts placed further behind to create more density. By transplanting
follicular units, the way hair grows naturally, the results of the hair transplantation are virtually undetectable.

The front and top of your head will receive transplanted hair first, because these are the areas that frame your face & make the most impact on your appearance. The crown is usually the last area to receive hair (in later procedures), unless it’s your only balding area.


Antibiotics & mild pain pills to reduce the chance of pain & swelling are taken the first three days after the procedure. You can shampoo your hair with a mild shampoo on day 3 following surgery and can return to work and most regular activities. You will have to return to the clinic on Day 10 to remove the sutures from the donor area at the back of your head. If you are from out of town you can get it removed from a qualified practitioner close to your place.

Weight-lifting, heavy exercise, and swimming can be resumed after one week, once the stitches used to close the donor site have been removed.

Patients find that their “new” hair falls out within 3-6 weeks after surgery. This condition is normal and almost always temporary. After hair falls out, it will take another 5-6 weeks before hair growth resumes. To help accelerate the growth of the transplants, we recommend the patient to start the medicinal treatment protocol again following the removal of the sutures as it reverses or halts the miniaturization process in many individuals and is thus the logical way to decrease the risk of shedding following a transplant. You can expect about a 2-3cm of growth per month after 3 months of the operation.


You may need a "touch-up" procedure to create more natural-looking results or to increase the density if required, after your incisions have healed. This is carried out approx. 4-6 months following the first surgery.
The results of hair replacement surgery can enhance your appearance, self-confidence and change your persona.

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