Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Medical Students and Dead Bodies Nightmares

Medical student and Cadavers: Interesting that when you were a medical student and the very first time you had to go to the anatomy room and faced rows of cadavers. Male cadavers. Female cadavers. Young, old, child cadavers. The sight was enough to make some of the students hair stood on end and chill their blood. Old stories about vampires, draculas, flesh eating carrions or...friday the 13th. Friday the 13th? Oh, whatever. Anyways some of the students could not sleep well that night; one claimed that the cadaver came to life and visited her on her bed...eeeuuu. Kinda like the Mummy Return. Another saw two cadavers outside of his balcony doing the 'jiggly with it' under the full moon. Was that the wolves singing and moaning? By the by it was normal those days for us students to apply and borrow the cadaver parts and bring them back home for study purposes. What we did was to carry them in cooler boxes and once home just stuff the parts into our freezer until needed. Usually we set aside half of the freezer space for our normal food stuff (chicken, meat, mutton, fish, trotters etc etc). Trotters?....And the other half for our study material: maybe half a human head, maybe a hand or a heart and liver. It happened once in a cold winter morning when our house helper arrived to do her daily job; as soon as she opened the freezer she ran out screaming shouting to the whole world that there was a human hand inside our fridge; she was convinced that we were cannibals. Ahhh the good old student days; only have to worry about exam and passing it. But let us ride our big bike first shall we and forget about exam.

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