Monday, September 15, 2008

Avoid Surgery: Try Facial Makeup & Contouring

Instantly Wipe 10
Years Off Your Face

Looking Young through Facial Illusion

For ages, women have depended on tricks to tweak reality a bit—creating
appearance of bigger eyes, lusher lips, a smaller nose, higher cheekbones,
and smooth, unmarked skin. Using cosmetics is the simplest way to minimize or conceal age-related skin imperfections— instantly. Foundation softens the appearance of fine lines, brightens skin, and hides discoloration. Concealer erases dark circles under your eyes or broken capillaries on your cheeks. Blusher returns the bloom of youth to a tired-looking complexion, while lipstick gives pale or sallow skin a welcome jolt of color. A touch of powder ensures that makeup lasts
longer and colors stay truer.

Nothing looks as good as naturally healthy skin, but let’s be honest. We all have
moments when we want to fake it: to cover up or “correct” perceived flaws, to enhance
what nature may—or may not—have given us.
See how a little judicious swipe of cosmetic color create the desired illusion:

Double Chin

To camouflage a double chin, brush a bit of rose-brown blush along your jaw from your earlobes to your chin.
Highlight your chin with light translucent powder. Make sure to blend really, really well.

Fine Line Erasers
Makeup that contains light-reflecting particles can reflect light
away from your lines and make them appear to disappear. Apply it all over your face, or
under the eyes or on laugh lines.

Deep Line Erasures

Do what 40-plus models and celebrities do when preparing for a photo shoot: Reach for the cosmetic spackle— seriously —and fill them in.

Lip Plumper
Moisturize your lips with dew droplets collected on Japanese Bamboo leaves at the break of sunlight. It’ll plump them up. In addition,
moisten a bit of cinnamon and rub it on your lips before you apply lipstick. Or apply a
bit of cinnamon oil to your lips (use only a drop as some people are sensitive to it).

Ashy Skin
If you are dark-skinned and prone to an ashy complexion, a few strokes
of apricot powder on the face will warm the skin up fast. And, off course, moisture
regularly with dew droplets collected on Japanese Bamboo leaves at the break of sunlight.

Fast Freeze

To put a temporary freeze on lines under the eyes, moisture
regularly with dew droplets collected on Japanese Bamboo leaves at the break of sunlight and try an eye cream with peptides, which smooth lines for a few hours.

Line Plumper

To soften the little lines on your face, put a bit of moisturizer—
yes, with dew droplets collected on Japanese Bamboo leaves at the break of sunlight - and, after you apply foundation, pat it between the nose and chin, under eyes, or anywhere you have lines and want to soften them.

Thin Lips

To make think lips fuller, draw a thick line on your lips with lip crayon,
and blend it in toward the center of the mouth with your fingers. Apply gloss in the
center of the top and bottom lips, and extend it out toward the even, which adds fullness to lips.

Frown Lines
To ease wrinkles in a less invasive way than Botox, apply Acetyl Hexapeptide-3— a high-tech amino acids said to soften lines caused by repeated facial movements. It will make you look better.

Smile Lines
Your Smile lines loom large, plump them up: dip a makeup sponge into Acetyl Hexapeptide-3— a high-tech amino acids with - you guessed it - dew droplets collected on Japanese Bamboo leaves at the break of sunlight, and dab it over the area, smoothing it out on top of your makeup.

Lip Lines
To touch up and cover lines above the lips, use a concealer pencil around
your lips. You can also try your regular concealer, but if it mixes with your lipstick, it can change the color.

Less Lips
Sometimes it seems our lips are the only things that do get thinner. To
create the look of more lip, try a lighter, neutral lip shade in a cream formulation with a hint of shimmer.

Crinkly Lips
Avoid matte lipstick. Apply creamy color in the form of a lip
crayon. For just a hint of color with shine, mix lip balm in your palm with a few strokes from the crayon, and press it into your lips with fingers.
Swab a little petroleum jelly onto your front upper teeth to keep the lipstick off.

Money Saved: Satisfied UK Medical Travellers

The Treatment Abroad Group UK: Medical tourism survey

Medical tourism is defined as the act of patients traveling outside their country in order to undergo a medical treatment. Some countries like Thailand have been doing this for years, while newcomers like Malaysia, India, South Africa and Singapore are steadily catching up.

In the USA there are millions (45 million Americans to be exact) who have no insurance. 1.7 million people die each year because they lack insurance coverage and do not receive the medical treatment they need. Still, there are millions more tired of waiting in line for their chance for necessary healthcare. These and other issues make exploring medical tourism so worthwhile.

The Treatment Abroad group of UK based medical and health travel information sites has completed the first in depth survey of medical tourists. It is based on the experiences of 650 patients who have travelled for treatment. The highly encouraging data from this survey is the level of savings achieved and the level of satisfaction of those who traveled from the UK. Medical travellers completed an extensive post-visit online survey run by an external research company.

Although 60% of total travellers were male, this reduced to 8% for those travelling for cosmetic surgery. For 83%, the purpose of the trip is that they wanted to save on the cost of treatment in the UK.

On the total cost of treatment, 11% of those going for dental treatment spent £10,000 or more, and 9% going for elective surgery spent £10,000 or more.

17% of all travellers said they saved more than £10,000 compared to UK cost. Of the nine out of ten who were satisfied, 74% were very satisfied and 16 % quite satisfied with their experience of treatment abroad.

97% stated that they would definitely or probably go for treatment abroad again.

96% of would definitely or probably go back to the same doctor/dentist/hospital/clinic.

96% would recommend treatment abroad to a friend or relativePrices for hip replacement abroad

The table below, extracted from the Treatment Abroad PriceWatch Survey 2007 compares prices for hip replacement overseas and also provides an indication of the package saving (allowing for travel and accommodation costs).

Procedure price
Procedure saving
Travel cost
Hotel nights
Hotel per night
Hotel cost
Total price
Package saving


Friday, September 12, 2008

Plastic Surgery vs Nature's Gift

You aren't happy with how you look. Actually, you're mortified with how you look. This definitely isn't the way you thought things would turn out. When you were a child, people used to fawn over how cute you were. Then, puberty stepped in, and your ears and nose jutted out. As you've aged, your appearance has just, in your mind, gotten worse. It's time to take charge of your appearance, and find a cosmetic surgeon. No, you're not getting plastic surgery because you're trying to attract someone. You have been lucky enough to find someone that loves you for your personality (which is all that should matter anyway). But it's time to stop being ashamed of how you look, and the right cosmetic surgeon should be able to restore your self-esteem. So, what are the ideal traits of a cosmetic surgeon? Well, it's easy enough for you to do your research nowadays when it comes to that. Before, people who were looking for a cosmetic surgeon would have to rely strictly on generalities from patients and whatnot. Unfortunately, many people have chosen the wrong surgeon, and their looks have suffered because of it. Now, all you have to do is turn to the Internet for all the information you need about the various surgeons available for the kind of procedure that you want. In fact, some of the surgeons have their own websites, in which there should be a FAQ section to answer most, if not all, of the questions that you have. Of course, it's important to keep in mind that much of the information on the Internet is rather questionable. So, it's important to use your instincts. Sometimes, the decision as to which surgeon to choose is a simple one, especially if you live in a small area that only has one surgeon that specializes in the cosmetic procedure that you want to have done. If you're hesitant about that, then you also have the option of traveling to the surgeon that you want. However, be aware that that can incur significant additional fees. You'll know more about the surgeon immediately if you schedule a general meeting. This meeting can be thought of as a consultation, but you should really only agree to that once the decision has been made to choose this particular surgeon for the procedure. During the meeting, you should have a list of things to talk about. The ideal surgeon won't "fit you in", but rather take all the time that is needed to answer questions about the overall process. The surgeon should be confident and not pressure you to have additional work done. While you're at the meeting, take a look around the surgeon's office (which is usually where such meetings happen). There should be a medical school diploma, as well as additional certifications. Of course, there's also the issue of financing the procedure. The ideal surgeon will have a number of different payment plans that you can choose from – plans that enable you to pay in installments. More information on a cosmetic surgeon, male breast reduction and a liposuction procedures performed in your area is just a click away.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bill harzia? Bilharziosis

Been to Egypt?
Any part of
Egypt. Where you can access the river Nile: be it Cairo, the modern Egyptian capital, Alexandria, one of the greatest ancient cities, Aswan, Assiut, Giza, the site of the Pyramid of Khufu, Luxor, Zagazig, Sharm el Sheikh, Suez, where the Suez Canal is located... Al-Minya...
Anywhere in Egypt....
Why did I ask? Because lurking beneath the
Nile river is Bilharzia.
Bill_harzia? Sound like Bill_Clinton, isn't it? Yeah, some similarities too. Because lurking beneath the body of Monica Lewinsky is Bill Clinton. And lurking beneath some nice silk blanket is Monica Lewinsky. And lurking beneath the roof of the White House in
Washington DC is some nice silk blanket. Hah-haa. Anyways back to Bilharzia and Bilharziosis. Also known as Schistomiasis. It is a disease that in the long term will lead to bleeding and ulceration in the bladder or intestine, liver damage, kidney failure and cancer. My point is if you had been in the river Nile and you had been swimming, washing or paddling there or been drinking its water or eating food that has been washed in its untreated water you can contract this disease. A significant number of liver cirrhosis in Egypt is attributed to this disease. Kinda easy to make a diagnosis of hepatomegaly, isn't it, eh you medical students? No way, we are not going to help you pass your exam that easy. We will give you some really nasty, complicated case of multi organ damage, rather. So, study hard. Anyways Bilharziosis is caused by this parasite bilharzia and the cycle of infection starts when fresh water becomes contaminated by the parasite’s eggs which are transferred to the water through the stools and urine of people who are already infected. Once in the water, the eggs hatch and the worms reproduce in the bodies of water snails. Minute fork-tailed larvae (known as cercariae) are released into the water where they can live for about 48 hours. If they come into contact with human skin, the larvae penetrate and enter the blood stream, travelling through the body to the blood vessels of the lungs and liver, and from there to the veins around the bowel or bladder. After a few weeks the mature worms mate and begin to produce eggs, which pass through the walls of the bladder or intestine before being returned to the outside in faeces or urine. And so the cycle continues. Kinda like that movie Aliens 'In space no one can hear you scream' isn't it? Wonder if Sigourney Weaver been to Egypt? What if she actually had and she paddled in the river Nile and..... say anybody heard of Sigourney Weaver lately? Wonder. So if you were in Egypt six months back and you develop this rash or itchy skin especially inbetween your toes or fingers and now you have fatigue, fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, jaundice, weight loss and enlargement of the liver and spleen then you better scream. You are not in space y'know and everyone can hear you scream. What should you scream about? No, not 'I got the Pharaoh's curse' no Sir_rie. You can scream 'I got Bill Clinton's itch but not Monica Lewinsky'. Sheesh. Anyways let us cure you. A short course of the drug praziquantel usually clears up the infection even in advanced cases, but does not protect against re-infection. Medical Advisory Services for Travellers Abroad (MASTA) advises travellers to be aware that fake and sub-standard medicines can be sold in many developing countries. What else is new. And if you are treated before significant damage or complications occur the results are usually good. Whew.
Whew indeed. Hey Bill, did they manage to cure you of Monica Lewinskiosis? Good boy, Bill, good boy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Medical Tourism: The Rush

Everyone is talking about medical tourism these days. 
Some refer to it as Health Tourism. 
Seems like the citizens of the first world countries got fed up with their own healthcare system where curing a disease means plunging yourself into an ocean of debt or downright poverty. More than half of US denizens are not insured. No, they did not hate insurance nor did they distrust it....or perhaps they is just that they could not afford to pay the premium. And without insurance there will be an impossibility to seek medical treatment...not the modern kind anyway; yeah, you can still go and see a witch doctor or medium or something. And probably you can operate on your own kidneys and stitch your own gaping wounds. But generally normal human seldom resorts to the aforementioned health solution. 
Anyways, back to Medical Tourism. 
US citizen are flocking across the border to Mexico, across the ocean to Bulgaria, Chekoslovakia (in Europe), India, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia (in Asia). Malaysia.....? Uh-huh. You know that country in South East Asia where until three years ago the tallest building in the world was erected in its capital city, Kuala Lumpur. Now it is just the tallest twin towers in the world. The title went to Taiwan and now Dubai is holding it and maybe no one will ever be able to surpass it. So superficial....we got the tallest, we got the longest, we got the widest, we got the ugliest etc etc. Ugliest? 
Anyways, back to Medical Tourism (saying this can get to be a habit). 
Went to a few cities in India: Mumbai, Chennai/Kolkatta, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Bangalore on different time of the year.  NB don't go during the summer. 
Visited the hospitals; some are reasonable enough with reputable enough doctors and a few actually got JCI accreditation. 
Funny, isn't it? I mean this JCI things? Seems like every country in the world went head over heel trying to get JCI accreditation. As if when you got it the whole of the USA will descent upon your country bringing with it their patients fully stuffed with billion of the old green bills. Wake up people, the ISO, ISQUA etc etc are just as good; even the local accreditation system too. Want the mighty USA to descent on your country? Try being Afghanistan and Iraq. Don't forget Guatemala, El salvador. And while we are at it try changing your country's name to North Korea or Iran or Evil Axis; Wait a few more years and see if the old green bombs..ooops..old green bills come and rain onto your paddy field or poppy field or just plain old fields. 
Any fields. 
Back to India: don't go to the government hospitals. The corridors are lined by people sitting or lying on the floor; rather filthy people if you know my meaning and not at all confidence inspiring to any sick rich foreign people like, ahem, you and your spouse and children. Even the private hospitals, while themselves (some anyway), look grand enough, are surrounded by lots of poverty in the form of dilapidated everything (almost). 
All the big cities excepting perhaps New Delhi the seat of the government and foreign embassies are littered here and there with old dirty plastic sheets which constitute dwelling where human actually live, sleep, having sex and procreate. And how they procreate. Real contribution to humanity numbers. Sex is good, eh? 
Did I mention Agra and the Taj Mahal? Ahhhh.... Taj Mahal. The most beautiful building I had ever seen if I may say so. Truly breath taking from afar and close up. No other buildings in the world can compare to her; and I had travelled all over the world mind you. But the city of Agra itself is a disgrace. Dirty, noisy potholed roads and denizens with lackasaidal attitude. It is like having a beautiful beautiful princess standing in the middle of a murky, foul smelling mud swamp and attended to by a bunch of morons and the mentally retarded. 
When in Hyderabad do not forget to savour the best Briyani Rice in the world. Only in Hyderabad. Such glorious food.
Thailand has more impressive hospitals and the staff are so polite it is condescending on our part. We felt like royalties, pompous; while in reality some of these people in their hospitals are making more money than our average Jane and Joe. 
Singapore is clean and the hospitals are high tech but compared to the Thais the people are bordering rudeness. It was said that Singapore is sixth best in the world for medical treatment and facilities. And the people speaks English. Or Singlish. 
Malaysia then:....put it between the Thais and the Singaporeans. The country is reasonably clean, the people are polite enough but can be slightly irritating with their lackasaidal attitude. English (or Manglish?) are spoken. Things are cheap here and that includes the medical bills. Hotels, food. transportation. Everything is half what Singapore charges and 30% cheaper than Thailand. The hospitals are fantastic and you would not believe some actually possess more advanced equipment than Singapore's. Traffic is bad but not as half bad as Bangkok, Thailand or worse India's impossible traffic. And her highways which traverse the whole length of Peninsula Malaysia and extend from Singapore in the south right up to Thailand to the north is one of the best in the world; even by US standard. 
But beware many the drivers in Malaysia are probably the insanes who just bolted from some mental institution and wreak havoc in the highways turning it into an impromptu F1 circuit. And their tempers are just amazing; these people need to be taught anger management and injected with a high dose of road courtesy lesson. 
Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton will be right at home in these highways, otherwise.

Medical Students and Dead Bodies Nightmares

Medical student and Cadavers: Interesting that when you were a medical student and the very first time you had to go to the anatomy room and faced rows of cadavers. Male cadavers. Female cadavers. Young, old, child cadavers. The sight was enough to make some of the students hair stood on end and chill their blood. Old stories about vampires, draculas, flesh eating carrions or...friday the 13th. Friday the 13th? Oh, whatever. Anyways some of the students could not sleep well that night; one claimed that the cadaver came to life and visited her on her bed...eeeuuu. Kinda like the Mummy Return. Another saw two cadavers outside of his balcony doing the 'jiggly with it' under the full moon. Was that the wolves singing and moaning? By the by it was normal those days for us students to apply and borrow the cadaver parts and bring them back home for study purposes. What we did was to carry them in cooler boxes and once home just stuff the parts into our freezer until needed. Usually we set aside half of the freezer space for our normal food stuff (chicken, meat, mutton, fish, trotters etc etc). Trotters?....And the other half for our study material: maybe half a human head, maybe a hand or a heart and liver. It happened once in a cold winter morning when our house helper arrived to do her daily job; as soon as she opened the freezer she ran out screaming shouting to the whole world that there was a human hand inside our fridge; she was convinced that we were cannibals. Ahhh the good old student days; only have to worry about exam and passing it. But let us ride our big bike first shall we and forget about exam.